Preisträger:innen 2025

Wie in den Vorjahren präsentierten die Wissenschaftler:innen ihre Poster in fünfminütigen Kurzvorträgen. An der Bewertung waren in diesem Jahr über 24 Gutachter:innen von der Universität Leipzig und dem Universitätsklinikum Leipzig beteiligt. Insgesamt 13 Autor:innen wurden für ihre innovativen Arbeiten mit den Forschungspreisen des Research Festivals ausgezeichnet.

Davon wurde ein Preis aktiv durch die Besucher:innen der Veranstaltung vergeben. Mit dem beliebten Wuschel – dem Maskottchen des Research Festivals, konnte über das favorisierte Poster abgestimmt werden.

Diseases of Civilisation / Obesity

Circulating cell-free DNA load is associated with parameters of fat distribution, inflammation and glucose homeostasis
Alessio Pollastri, Helmholtz Institute for Metabolic, Obesity and Vascular Research

Immunology / Infectiology / Inflammation

Deep learning-aided inter-species-comparison of immune response in drug development involving cynomolgus monkey
Vincent David Friedrich, Leipzig University, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics, and Epidemiology

Clinical and Molecular Oncology

NRF1 as a transcription factor controlling cell cycle gene expression
Louisa Franziska Schmidbauer, Leipzig University/ Faculty of Medicine, Molecular Oncology

Clinical Research

PRospective Evaluation of clinical parameters anD initial cerebral CT for the prediction of Malignant Media Infarction (PREDICT MMI)
Alhuda Dabbagh, University of Leipzig Medical Center, Department of Neurology

Digital Health

Analyzing B-mode ultrasonography images using neural networks to predict fibrosis risk in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD)
Josefine Stansch, University of Leipzig Medical Center, Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine 2

Life Science Research

Exploring new molecular targets to improve neuronal survival during stroke in a SH-SY5Y model
Ibtisam Siad, University of Leipzig Medical Center, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Psychology, Cognition and Public Health I

Feasibility of the virtual reality optokinetic stimulation training (VR-OKS) for chronic stroke patients with unilateral spatial neglect
Lisa Patricia Peters, University of Leipzig Medical Center, Day Clinic for cognitive Neurology

Psychology, Cognition and Public Health II

LOGOS: Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy in a hybrid design for adult cancer survivors in aftercare
Dr. Annekathrin Sender, University Medical Center Leipzig, Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Germany (CCCG), Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology

Molecular and Systemic Neurobiology

IsoAsp7-Aβ – A major Aβ variant in Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and vascular dementia
Sarah Schrempel, Paul Flechsig Institute – Centre of Neuropathology and Brain Research, Medical Faculty

Biotechnology / Protein Biochemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Development and characterisation of complex blood vessel structures on anorgan-on-chip platform
Marlies Butting, Leipzig University, Professorship for Biochemical cell technology

Biomaterials / Translational Regenerative Medicine / Drug Delivery

Multi-omics profiling of bone regeneration in diabetes links healing impairment with increased mast cell activity
Vivien Wiltzsch, Department Preclinical Development and Validation, Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology

Molecular Biology / Biomedicine

BRET-based detection of succinate
Florian Flemming, Leipzig University / Rudolf Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry

Audience Award: Clinical Research

Assessing Actionable and Non-Actionable Alarms in Intensive Care Units: Insights from Post-Alarm Medication Administration and Vital Sign Trends
Moritz Hayler, Leipzig University Medical Center, Medical Data Science