Social events
Tuesday evening, 26.5.15, from 19:00: Warming up in the Bibliotheca Albertina (free of charge)
Wednesday evening, 27.5.15, 18:15: poster session and wine reception in the Westwerk, a remnant of the old industrial part of Leipzig, which is now an event and exibition hall (free of charge)
Thursday evening, 28.5.15, 19:30: conference dinner at Barthels Hof, a historic restaurant in the last remaining Baroque courtyard of Leipzig making it a important sight of the city. (fee for the conference dinner: 35 € ) The menu can be seen here.
Friday, 29.5.15: have a look at the attractions of Leipzig
Saturday, 30.5.15, 10:30, Guided tours (fee: 10 €)
The following map shows, where the social events take place. The warming up at the Albertina, the poster session and wine reception at Westwerk whereto a bus transfer is organised starting at Goethestraße, and the conference dinner at Barthels Hof. (A click on the map gives you an enlarged pdf file in an extra window.)