13th Annual Symposium
Physics of Cancer
Leipzig, Germany
Sept 28 - 30, 2022
Changes in tissue stiffness and fluidity predict tumor aggressiveness in vivo
Frank Sauer1, Steffen Grosser1, Mehrgan Shahryari2, Alexander Hayn3, Jing Guo2, Jürgen Braun4, Susanne Briest5, Benjamin Wolf5, Bahriye Aktas5, Lars-Christian Horn6, Ingolf Sack2, Josef A. Käs1
1Soft Matter Physics Division, Peter-Debye-Institute for Soft Matter Physics, Leipzig, Germany
2Department of Radiology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
3Department of Hepatology, University Hospital, Leipzig, Germany
4Institute of Medical Informatics, Berlin, Germany
5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, Leipzig, Germany
6Division of Breast, Urogenital and Perinatal Pathology, University Hospital, Leipzig, Germany
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Cancer progression is associated with a variety of effects that affect a tissue’s mechanical state. While increased tumor stiffness alone cannot predict clinical outcomes, we hypothesize that cancer progression is also accompanied by tissue fluidization. State-of-the-art in vivo multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) can differentiate individual tumors from their surrounding tissues by their rheological signature. We found universal trends in an analysis of several clinical MRE in vivo studies. Backed by tabletop MRE experiments on stroma mimicking collagen gels and microscopic analysis of live cells inside human tumor explants, we present an overview of possible underlying mechanism, including cellular unjamming, microenvironment composition/remodeling and emergent effects, which may critically determine tumor progression and their potential influence bulk mechanics. Based on that we performed a gedankenexperiment about how a tumor can grow and eventually metastasize in its environment from a physics perspective and deduced corresponding macroscopic mechanical properties. Identified parameters of relevance are stiffness, fluidity, spatial fluidity heterogeneity, and tumor border texture. Finally, we present a roadmap for using MRE-acquired information to predict a tumor’s aggressiveness and metastatic potential in individual patients.
University of Leipzig  |  Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences  |  Peter Debye Institute  |  Soft Matter Physics Division
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