
Abstract Submission

Shot Lectures

Guided Tour Leipzig Medical Biobank
Thank You!
Dear early-career scientists,
dear colleagues, dear guests,
It is with great pleasure that we look back on the 18th Research Festival for Life Sciences and we would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event.
A special thank you goes to all participants for their exciting contributions and inspiring discussions. The high quality and diversity of the submitted abstracts – a total of 190 – have once again made the festival an important forum for young scientists. Your innovative ideas and dedication are an impressive demonstration of the dynamism and diversity of research in the Leipzig region.
We also extend our gratitude to the institutions and research organizations for their valuable support and participation. Without their contribution, an event of this scale would not have been possible. Last but not least, we would like to thank everyone involved in organizing the festival. Their efforts have enabled us all to exchange innovative ideas, establish new connections, and share scientific insights across disciplines.
The great interest and positive feedback encourage us to continue fostering this important exchange in the future. We look forward to advancing research in medicine and life sciences together with you!
PD Dr. Dr. John Heiker
PD Dr. Felix Hussenöder
Prof. Dr. Tobias Piegeler
Prof. Dr. Steffi G. Riedel-Heller
Prof. Dr. Michaela Schulz-Siegmund
Prof. Dr. Ruth Stassart
Prof. Dr. Andreas Thum