15th Annual Symposium "Physics of Cancer"
Abstract Submission

In order to submit an abstract for the 15th Annual Symposium "Physics of Cancer", please fill out the following form. Use the "Preview" button at the bottom of this page to check the data you entered and to show a preview of the abstract. Finally, click the "Submit" button to send your abstract to us. Submission deadline is August 31, 2024. If you face any problems, do not hesitate to contact the .

Contact Information
Your e-mail address:
This e-mail address is required for the organizers to get back to you. It will also be published with your abstract as the contact e-mail address of the corresponding author. (Please, note that we use JavaScript techniques to protect e-mail addresses published on our website against spambots.)

Your website (optional):
Optionally, you may add the internet address to your own or your institution's website. It will be published as a weblink with your abstract on our website.

Contribution Classification
The following selection is required for our system to file your abstract submission correctly. E.g. submissions for contributed talks/posters have to be evaluated by the organizing committee.

I submit my abstract

for an invited talk because I am an invited speaker.
in order to apply for a contributed talk. *
in order to apply for a contributed poster. *

*) Do not forget to separately register as a conference participant using our registration form until September 25, 2024.

Authors and Affiliations
Enter full author names (no abbreviated first names). Skip academic titles. Do not use CAPITAL WORDS. The presenting author should be marked by the bullet. The references No. to affiliations should link to the reference No. stated below. Use single numbers, i.e. 1, or comma separated lists, i.e. 1,2.
Given name: Surname: Ref. No. to affiliations:

State the author's affiliations, i.e. institution (university, institute, division, group), address, city, and country.

Institution (university, institute, division, group): Address, city, country:
There are different conventions for capitalizing words in headlines and publication titles. Here, please use the simple "sentence case rule" (e.g. known from Nature articles), i.e. capitalization of only the first word, proper nouns and as dictated by other specific English rules.

Abstract text:
Give a description of the topic and the content of your contribution. You are allowed to write 1000 words and 10000 characters at most. You may use the following tags for special formattings: <b>...</b> for bold text, <i>...</i> for italic text, <u>...</u> for underlined text, <sup>...</sup> for superscript text, <sub>...</sub> for subscript text, and <sc>...</sc> for small-caps. If you want to give references to literature (e.g. key publications), use use single numbers in square brackets, i.e. [1], or comma separated lists in square brackets, i.e. [1,2]. Please, specify the literature reference for each reference number you used blow.

Literature references (optional):
For each reference, state authors (use abbreviated first names), title (optinally), journal/book name (with volume, issue, and pages if possible), and the year of publication. Either state all authors as a comma separated list or just the first author with the notation "et al.".

Optionally, you may add a message containing some remarks or notes for the organizing team.


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