15th Annual Symposium
Physics of Cancer
Leipzig, Germany
Sept. 30 - Oct. 2, 2024

Building upon the tradition of previous successful meetings, we like to bring together scientists from different disciplines and from across the world that are interested in physical aspects of cancer progression.

Cancer progression is a complex process involving multiple events that occur across various spatial and temporal scales. There are many great examples showing that physical principles can help to provide a better understanding some of these events. We strongly believe that to unravel the interactions between tumour cells and their niche and to ultimately guide new directions in cancer therapy and diagnostics requires an interdisciplinary approach.

With the Physics of Cancer (PoC) symposium we like to provide a casual setting for scientists across different disciplines to come together in a welcoming atmosphere for lively discussions, stimulation of new ideas, establishment of new collaborations, and also great opportunities for early career scientists. Major topics will be tissue mechanical alterations and diagnostic applications, cell mechanics and mechanosensing, tumor microenvironment interactions, and improved bioengineered models to study relevant aspects of cancer progression in vitro and in vivo.

Download poster (PDF)

-- Organizing Committee --

Josef A. Käs
Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany 

Ben Fabry
Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 

Mareike Zink
Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany 

Christoph Mark
Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 

Anna Taubenberger
TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany 

Jörg Schnauß
Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany 


University of Leipzig  |  Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences  |  Peter Debye Institute  |  Soft Matter Physics Division
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