9th Annual Symposium
Physics of Cancer
Leipzig, Germany
September 24-26, 2018

The investigation of changes in physical properties of cells during malignant transformation is an emerging field in cancer research and cell biology. The annual "Physics of Cancer" scientific symposium intends to bring together researchers from the worldwide pioneering groups that are investigating the mechanisms underlying cancer progression.

PoC Booklet 2018


Topics Included
  • Biomechanics (Biopolymers, Networks, Rheology, Cytoskeleton, Cell Shape)
  • Forces, Motion, Adhesion (Cell Motility, Assembly, Molecular Motors)
  • Oncology
  • Imaging
Organizing Committee

Josef A. Käs
University of Leipzig, Germany 

Harald Herrmann
German Cancer Research Center, 
Heidelberg, Germany 

Ben Fabry
Friedrich-Alexander University 
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 

Benjamin Wolf
University Hospital Leipzig, Germany 

David M. Smith
Fraunhofer Institute IZI Leipzig, Germany 


                                                            (Quelle: Swen Reichhold / Universität Leipzig)

                                                      (Quelle: Klaus F. Linscheid, Architektur und Medien)


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